Two kinds of marathon to start and end this week and seven ways to relax during this week full of finals… Enjoy your 13th Kulturwurst, mit oder ohne Darm !
► Sunday 10th : Muttertag or Mozarttag ?
This Sunday you should of course spend the day with your mother, but theKonzerthaus-Berlin has something else to offer: “Spend a whole day with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!” is the motto of the Mozart-Marathon. From 11:00 to 21:30, a great variety of concerts are organized, some free of charge, as well as other original events such as a reading of Mozart’s letters (a good training for your German).
Time : 11:00-22:00
Place : Konzerthaus-Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt
How to get there from campus : Take the M1 to Pankow and the U2 to Hausvogteiplatz (travel time : 40min)
Price : 8€ for one concert with student discount, 5 concerts for 32€. Some events have free admission !
► Monday 11th : Hold-Up
According to one of the members of Make Sense: “in school, teachers don’t tell you how to get new ideas, they only teach you about ideas of the past”. That’s why they created the Hold-ups, a “funny, dense, interesting and efficientworkshop to come together, let all kind of ideas spread and come out with concrete solutions for a concrete challenge”. Concrete is here the watchword : for each Hold-Up, an interesting project/start-up in the field of Social Entrepreneurship, which is facing some difficulties in the course of its development, is invited to share these issues with the participants, together looking for concrete solutions. On next Monday, everyone is invited to take part in a special marketing challenge to helpLeihbar, a new platform that aims at developing circular economy.
Time : 19:00
Place : TU Berlin, Centre for Entrepreneurship, Hardenbergstraße 38
How to get there from campus : Take the Bus 150 to Osloer Strasse and the U9 to Zoologischer Garten (45min)
Price : 0€
► Tuesday 12th : Jews and Food
From May 10th to May 20th, the Jewish Film Festival aims at providing a glimpse into Jews’ life in Europe and Germany by introducing different aspects of modern Judaism through more than 30 films from 13 countries around the world. Interestingly, this 21st edition’s themes are 50 years of German-Israeli diplomatic relations, the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, but also… Jews and Food ! For instance, you can go to Babylon on Tuesday to see two documentaries about food, A Shtetl That’s No Longer There and Jerusalem On A Plate. Or check out the whole program !
Time : 18:00
Place : Babylon, Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30
How to get there from campus : Take the M1 to Pankow and the U2 to Rosa-Luxembourg-Platz (35min)
Price : 7€
► Wednesday 13th : Transfer Point – Month of Performance Art
A “guerrilla performance intervention” in which the artist infiltrate the Old Masters Gallery and mimic the gestures and expressions of animals depicted in the artworks. An artist visiting various locations and simply waiting there for a miracle. Berlin is not getting (more) crazy, May is just the month of performance art. This year’s fifth edition might be the last one, and is thus entitled Anthology. Check out the wholeprogram and be surprised everyday ! On Wednesday, I recommend Transfer Point, a great opportunity to discover Polish Artists with various performances followed by a discussion with the artists and the curator.
Time : 19:00-22:00
Place : Meinblau, Haus 5D, Christinenstraße 18/19,
How to get there from campus : Take the M1 to Zionskirchplatz (30min)
Price : 3€
► Thursday 14th : The Salt of Earth
Last month I recommended Sebastião Salgado’s Genesis exhibition at C/O Berlin. Maybe you went to see it (if not yet, please go ! :) ), and now you’re eager to see more. Maybe you heard of Wim Wenders’ last film, a biographical documentary on the work of Salgado. If you didn’t get the opportunity to see The Salt of Earth, premiered this year at the Berlinale, I have some good news for you… The open air cinemaseason, one of the highlights of the summer in Berlin, just started ! A variety of Freiluftkinos all around Berlin enable you to see some of this year’s best movies. The most famous one might be the Freiluftkino Kreuzberg, opened in 1994, which screens on Thursday Wenders’ documentary, with english subtitles.
Time : 21:30
Place : Freiluftkino Kreuzberg, Kunstquartier Bethanien am Mariannenplatz
How to get there from campus : Take the Bus 150 to Osloer Strasse and the U8 to Kottbusser Tor (40min)
Price : 7€
► Friday 15th : Vier Jahre Griessmühle
After a long completion week and a lot of essay-writing, you might want to take your mind off work and party a little. Even if you thought before that Berlin’s techno club were not for you, you might change your mind with Griessmühle in Neukölln, and its idyllic garden on the banks of the canal, its campfire, small sheds, and nice atmosphere. Of course, good music is waiting inside, down in the basement. This week-end, the club celebrates its fourth birthday, with an almost four-days party and a lot of guest DJs. If you want to party but you would prefer to stay in Pankow, check out this other event, it’s rare to have clubs coming to our residential district…
Time : Friday 20:00 to Monday 12:00
Place : Griessmühle, Sonnenallee 221
How to get there from campus : Take the M1 to Schönhauser Allee and the Ring-S41 to Sonnenallee (45min)
Price : 12€
► Saturday 16th : Frauenlauf
More than 18000 runners last year, and maybe more for the 32nd edition of the Berliner Frauenlauf on next Saturday, a famous charity event for the fight against breast cancer. You can still be part of it with the last-minute registration at Karstadt sports on Wednesday or Friday (Joachimsthaler Str. 5-6, open from 10 to 19:30) or shortly before the race. Or you can just join the fun by watching one of the races: 10km, 5km, Nordic-Walking, Bambini-race… (if you’re not a woman, you’ve got no other choice but watching people run… I know, this is kind of a sexist event).
Time : 14:30-17:00, check the schedule here
Place : Tiergarten
How to get there from campus : Take the Bus 150 to Schönholz and the S25 to Brandenburger Tor (30min)
Price :
► Looking for more suggestions ?