Kulturwurst #15 : September 21-26 : Leica, Street Food & International Shorts

Kulturwurst #15

Even if you are a new to Berlin, I guess you have already tried at least one kind of Wurst: Currywurst, Bratwurst, Bockwurst…you can find them at any street corner. But have you ever tasted the Kulturwurst ?

This weekly newsletter aims to give you a bite of the exquisite cultural and artistic life of Berlin, suggesting events for each day of the week –  all for a small budget.

Of course, it does not pretend to be exhaustive, and your suggestions and feedback are warmly welcome.

New writer, same spirit, the Kulturwurst is back for the semester to help you make the best of your time in Berlin!


► Monday September 21st : WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE – It’s time to go wild.

kw#1 -LUNDI

On the occasion of the Berlin Art Week, in contribution to STADT/BILD (Image of the city), the KW Institute of contemporary art is currently hosting the wild exhibition “Welcome to the jungle!” as a response to the iconic song of Guns’N’Roses in the mid-80s. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE (1987) stages the seductive abyss of life in a big city – drugs, sex, and an intense way of living on the one hand, but also a high potential for destruction on the other. The thematic group exhibition at KW takes the song’s title as an occasion for gathering Berlin-based and international artists that engage with fictions of such alternative places – in all their ambivalence. The idea we have of the jungle includes both our desires and our deepest fears. « It is the phantasm of a lost paradise; where life runs wild and out of control, where everything looks, sounds, smells, and tastes more intensely ». A way to experience the wild side of the Berliner life!


WHEN : 12am – 7pm

WHERE : KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Auguststraße 69, 10117 Berlin

HOT TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to S Oranienburger Straße (travel time : 35 min)

PRICE : free

MORE INFOS : https://www.facebook.com/events/816693171781226/


► Tuesday Sept 22nd : Chakalaka Tuesday – feeling saucy


You can have comfort food, or you can have adventurous dining. And rarely the two shall meet. Except perhaps when it comes to curry and its savory and complex flavors – to feed both your body and your soul. Every Tuesday, enter the Chakalaka Tuesday – a weekly vegan pop-up buffet serving Durban curries and other South African specialties (including salads, snacks and sweet things). You’d have troubles finding that anywhere else in Berlin. As the organizers put it: “It tastes good. If you haven’t tried it yet you should.” You can reserve a table at [email protected], or you can just stop by at the Café Futuro.


WHEN : Every Tuesday. 7pm – 9 pm.

WHERE : Café Futuro, Pannierstraße 12, 12047 Berlin

HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to Rosenthalerplatz and then the U8 to Hermannplatz

PRICE : 12€

MORE INFOS : https://www.facebook.com/events/514193748756033/


► Wednesday Sept. 23rd : CHERRY PICKS –The best new international shorts

KW#1 - Wednesday

The Cherry Picks is a new monthly night dedicated to the art of short film. This Wednesday’s films: 6 short movies from the best international film festivals, such as Berlinale, Sundance, The Toronto International Film Festival or Interfilm. Since Il Kino is both a cinema and a bar that serves tasty, fresh and cheap Italian food, you could also come in advance to chill or have dinner before the projection.


WHEN: 7pm

WHERE: Il Kino, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin

HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to Rosenthaler Platz and then the U8 to Schönleinstraße

PRICE: 7€ for students

MORE INFOS: http://www.ilkino.de/movie-program/


► Thursday Sept. 24th : Eyes Wide Open! – 100 years of Leica

KW#1 - Thursday 1

For the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, “shooting with a Leica is like a long tender kiss, like firing an automatic pistol, like an hour on the analyst’s couch.”100 years after the invention of Leica, there is no doubt that it has been part of a revolution in photography. Eyes Wide open! highlights from an artistic and historical perspective how the Leica and the 35 mm format has changed the photographic gaze in the 20th century and the different aspects of Leica: a history of the style of the medium, from Modernism to postmodern diversity, from New Vision, to the fashion photographs, from subjective photography, through Autorenfotografie, to street photography and artistic photography. In this exhibition C/O Berlin will present works by internationally renowned Leica photographers such as Alexander Rodtschenko, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Oskar Barnack, Christer Strömholm, Robert Frank, Bruce Davidson, William Klein, F.C. Gundlach, Fred Herzog, Robert Lebeck,William Eggleston, René Burri, Thomas Hoepker, Bruce Gilden and many more.


WHEN : 11am – 8pm

WHERE : C/O Berlin / Amerika Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22–24, 10623 Berlin

HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS : Take the M1 to Hackescher Markt and the U5 to S+U Zoologischer Garten

PRICE : free

MORE INFOS : http://www.co-berlin.org/en/eyes-wide-open


► Friday September 25th : Move.Your.Body Open Air & Indoor at Kosmonaut

KW#1 - Friday

For those who love to go to clubs but sometimes get lost because of all the amazingness that Berlin has to offer, my advice would be the move.your.body. night at the Kosmonaut for one of the last Outdoor and Indoor parties of the year. Enter ‘Kosmo’ for the night – “a place where industry charm meets natural beauty, where straight design opens the door to the abstract universe.” Line up for the night: Umami, Mat.Joe, Jake the Rapper, Yetti Meißner, Michael Placke, Lilly Deupré, Bara Bröst, Fumée Grise, MARCO WORGALL.


WHEN: 11:59pm – 11:59am

WHERE: Kosmonaut, Wiesenweg 1-4, 10365 Berlin

HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to S+U Pankow, and the S9 to S+U Frankfurter Allee

PRICE: 8 – 12€

MORE INFOS + TICKETS BOOKING: http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?749685


► Saturday September 26th: BITE BIKINI BERLIN – a little taste of streetfood

KW#1 - Sat

To my French gourmet’s opinoin, there is no better way to begin the weekend than with food. At the popular Bite Club – promoting street food from all over the world – food trucks from all over Europe meet local producers from Berlin and Brandenburg to create a colorful and broad culinary program.  In cooperation with the Berlin Food Week the event takes over BIKINI BERLIN with a variety of food stands next Saturday.


WHEN : 10am – 3pm

WHERE : Budapester Straße 38 – 50, 10787 Berlin

HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS : Take the M1 to Hackescher Markt and the S75 to S+U Zoologischer Garten

PRICE : from 4€ to 15€, depending of how much you eat!

MORE INFOS : https://askhelmut.com/events/2015-09-26-10-00-bite-bikini-berlin-berlin-food-week-2015


Have fun!
– Manon