You might have noticed that it has not been raining for the past few days, and it might actually stay like this next week. So I hope you will find a nice way to enjoy the beginning of the fall in this newsletter. 7 events, 7 places, 7 occasions to make the best of your time in Berlin!
► Sunday Sept. 27th: REBEL DABBLE BABBLE – Last time @ Volksbühne

Paul Mc Carthy, one of the most influential artist of his generation, is currently exposing a human-size wax sculpture of himself naked, laying on a table, at the Schinkel Pavilion. But his contribution to the current cultural life of Berlin doesn’t stop here. Now, Paul McCarthy and his son Damon are presenting their work for the first time in a theatre, and their last performance is on Sunday. REBEL DABBLE BABBLE is an extreme and complex installation work, that was previously shown in a parking lot, and now finds new meanings and fresh interpretations in the theatrical space of Volksbühne. Inspired by Nicholas Ray’s classic film ‘Rebel without a cause’, REBEL DABBLE BABBLE is some kind of meditation on archetypes and oedipal tensions that define family dynamics in private settings, in the history of art or in the entertainment industry, which shape both our expectations and self-concepts”. A once in a lifetime opportunity.
WHEN: Sept. 27th – 7pm
WHERE: Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, 10178 Berlin
HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to S+U Pankow and then the U2 to Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
PRICE: 10€ for students
► Monday Sept. 28th: Mondrian – Die linie @ Martin-Gropius-Bau

Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) is considered worldwide as one of the founders of abstract painting, and as a master of the composition of colored areas. Through his particular method of reduction to the basic elements of painting, Mondrian has become an iconic painter of classic modernism. However, a lesser-known fact is that Mondrian started out by painting in the impressionist style of the Hague School and explored different techniques of painting before lines and geometrical compositions dominated his artistic work. The Martin-Gropius-Bau developed thus this new exhibition ‘The Line’ in cooperation with the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag to highlight this evolution in Mondrian’s artistic creation.
WHEN: Wed-Mon 10am – 7pm (closed on Tuesdays)
WHERE : Martin-Gropius-Bau, Niederkirchnerstr. 7, 10963 Berlin
HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS : Take the M1 to S+U Pankow, and then to the S2 to S+U Potsdamer Platz
PRICE : 8€
► Tuesday Sept. 29th: ODDISEE @ lido – “Before being hip-hop, it’s music.”

I usually don’t have such big crushes like this one, especially when it comes to hip-hop. This time, I just couldn’t escape it. Oddisee is the kind of artist that blows your mind the first time you listen to him. Instant joy. That’s the way I felt. His new album „The Good Fight“ is a fantastic crossover between smart rap and modern Jazz sound à la Tribe Call Quest, an ode to art and music. And he’s at the Lido this Tuesday.
WHEN: Sept. 29th, 8pm
WHERE: Lido, Curvystraße 7, 10997 Berlin
HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to Hackescher Markt, and then the S5 to S+U Warschauer Straße
PRICE: 18€
► Wednesday Sept. 30th: 100 years of now – The Opening @ HKW

“Short-termism reigns. Today’s decisions lack a future horizon. A constant flood of snapshots feeds the fear of missing out. A never ending flood of new technologies promises to solve all our problems – until the next revelation of the impossibility of tackling deep-seated conflicts through technological management.”
100 Years of Now puts in perspective the alteration of our notion of time, explores the potentials of the past, and unlocks alternative futures. 100 Years of Now. The Opening – a spotlight on the emergence and side effects of normative notions of time, the planetary struggle of contradictory technological, human, and natural forces evolving together. From Sept. 30th to Oct. 4th.
My personal advice: take a look at the trailer on the HKW website!
WHEN: Opening on Sept 30th, 6:30pm
WHERE: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin
HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to S+U Pankow, and the S2 to S+U Brandenburger Tor
PRICE: free admission for the Opening
► Thursday Oct. 1st: Launch of the permanent archival exhibition “A European Liberal Arts University” @ BCB

You can find Kultur in Berlin; you can also find some on campus! Next Thursday, we celebrate the opening of the permanent archival exhibition on campus “A European Liberal Arts University.” This exhibition tells the story of the school and its 16 years of existence, through archive photos, publications and materials. 7pm at P98 !
WHEN: 7pm
WHERE: Platanenstraße 98, 13156 Berlin
PRICE: free
► Friday Oct. 2nd: YOUTH LAGOON @ Musik und Frieden (ex-Magnet club)

Contrarily to the common belief, it is possible not to like techno and still have fun in clubs in Berlin. So if you feel more like dancing on indie Britpop electro music this weekend, I can only recommend you the Indie kollektiv party at Musik und Frieden (ex-Magnet club), for Youth Lagoon’s only concert in Germany.
Line up: Youth lagoon (live), British music club (DJ set), Karrera Club (DJ set).
WHEN: 10pm for the live, 11:30pm for the party
WHERE: Musik und Frieden (ex-Magnet club), Falckensteinstrasse 48, 10997 Berlin
HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to Pankow, the U2 to Gleisdreieck and the U12 to Schlesisches Tor.
PRICE: 15€ for the live+party, 7€ for the party
► Saturday Oct. 3rd : Berlin Food Week – House of food @ Kraftwerk Berlin

After the success of the success of 2014 first edition, the Berlin Food Week is back this week for a new round of exquisite urban gusto. “From September 28th until October 4th, 2015, the city of Berlin transforms into a scrumptious paradise for foodies, professionals, gourmets and recreational chefs alike.” But how could we actually enjoy this event with our small student budget? From Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th, the House of Food opens it doors at Kraftwerk Berlin for 7,50€. A way to truly savour our passion for food, to discover and taste at the Späti Deluxe, and to watch and learn at free workshops in the Action Kitchen, without putting a dent in your pocket !
WHEN: Friday: 2 PM – 12 AM
Saturday: 10 AM – 12 AM
Sunday: 10 AM – 8 PM
WHERE: Kraftwerk Berlin, Köpenicker Straße 70, 10179 Berlin
HOW TO GET THERE FROM CAMPUS: Take the M1 to U Rosenthaler Platz and the U8 to U Heinrich-Heine-Str.
PRICE: 7,50€ for students (3 days-pass)
Berlin food week:
House of food:
Viel Spaß!
– Manon