Paris is from North Carolina and she misses sweet tea and squawking “hey y’all” without repercussion. She’s been exploring other languages and beverages and views on America for about seven years. After studying poli-sci/visual art/entrepreneurship/history/
Since back in Berlin she has spent two years at Bard College Berlin, being alternately thrilled and daunted at discovering how much she doesn’t know that she doesn’t know. She recognizes this as part and parcel of the jubilant and challenging attempt to articulate the crazy swirl of ideas that grow and infect each other and resist containment. And that’s fine and exciting, and entertaining – hopefully like one of those burning Roman candles of Kerouac’s that everybody loves.
Paris likes visiting museums, sketching natural and man-made wonders, reading science fiction, telling stories and omitting punctuation, and she tries her darndest to place people and things and events within contexts that make them interesting and relevant. She also works with some artists in the Berlin neighborhood of Kreuzberg, helping people who don’t do art do art (
Articles written by Paris: