- My character, Erick, opens the bathroom door but his bathroom is gone. Instead, he finds an exact replica of his bathroom. He immediately steps out, back into the real world.
- A cartographer drew such a loyal map of the city that the map was the size of the city. Had Erick been living in the map this whole time and the bathroom was actually a portal to reality or had he been living in reality this whole time and the bathroom was actually a portal to the map?
- In this episode of Community, Abed opens the bathroom door and suddenly the room is gone. He is in a completely different world.
- In this episode of real life, Erick prompts the class to write about a character called Erick that opens the bathroom door and suddenly the room is gone. He is in a completely different world.
- Erick opens the bathroom door and finds the kitchen instead of his bathroom.
- In his story, Erick is the cartographer that creates a hyperreality from which no character can escape. The only person in the story that becomes aware of the hyperreality in which they live is his main character. He becomes aware of it by opening the bathroom door and finding an exact replica of his bathroom instead of his bathroom.
- This story begins in the bathroom and ends in the bathroom.
- What is a bathroom? What is real?
- Have you ever wondered where the water goes when you flush the toilet?
- Jean Baudrillard quotes Borges. That’s how this story begins.
- Erick quotes Jean Baudrillard quoting Borges.
- In this episode of Community, Abed and Troy open the Dreamatorium door and suddenly the room is gone. They are in a completely different world, the bathroom.
- Once upon a time…
- “Behind every great man, there is a great bathroom” –E.M.S.
- This story consists of a list of possible beginnings. It begins with a beginning and ends with a beginning.
15 Possible Beginnings for my Autobiography