ECLA Completes Winter Term in Rome

Students, faculty and administration fly to Rome this weekend for the final week of Winter term. Dirk Deichfuss and Aya Soika have organized an eventful trip with a half dozen different tours planned on each of the five days in Italy. Most participants will choose to attend a morning and afternoon tour every day. The majority of the tours are led by ECLA faculty and they range from city walks such as Laura Scuriatti’s ‘Fascist Rome’ to museum visits such as Tracy Colony’s visit to Villa Borghese to site visits such as Dan Vyleta’s walk through the Forum Romanum.

Excursions outside of the capital city have also been planned including a day trip to Florence and one to Tivoli. In Florence, ECLA will meet up with Federico Berti who gave two guest lectures earlier this term and is always happy to share the historical and artistic treasures of his home town with ECLA students. Peter Hajnal, Laura Scuriatti, and Aya Soika’s Art History elective are also offering tours in the Renaissance city.

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