Fiction Month

Student studying in her room [2020, Credit: Ava Simonds]

Every year Die Bärliner dedicates the month of January to fiction written by BCB students.


Hide and Seek by Vala Schriefer

Lament of Demeter by Anna Winslow

Candle Soup by Noor Ender

15 Possible Beginnings for my Autobiography by Erick Moreno Superlano

Triangles and Other Geometries by Ximena Fuentes

I See the Glint of Their Eyes Down the Barrel of a Wave by Sophia Lawler-Dormer


A Vesicle of Undifferentiated Substance by Odd Widmann

The blue of the veins and everything that is Red by Charlene Batlle

A Baby, Me, and the Tides by Ocèanne Fry

Icelandic Sunset by Anna Winslow

Three Nightmares by George Menz


Wilderness Camp by Julia Bohn

Icarus by Anna Winslow

Empathritis by Bíborka Béres

I and The Village by Ximena Fuentes

Frankl’s Burden by Spencer Brown

We Are The Walls by Julian Thielman

He, Tanawat by Hyuna Choe

You Closed My Chest and Opened Yours by Jack Pagliante