A poem to the boy who owes my heart some heavy-duty patches, and soon, before it heals all crooked
For awhile you were happiness
A type I had never tasted before
Somehow familiar –
like nutmeg and cinnamon,
fragrant and warm –
But somehow,
with laughter
a body and soul
Your taste was new
This happiness was …
You were like sunshine
that breaks the winter clouds
to kiss a smile onto the cold lips of those passing by
Never would those lips question your motives.
No one asks the Sun
Somehow, we had met already
When I held your hand in mine
and let my fingertips
glide along the surface of your palm
reading the story etched there, in those lines
I forgot whose skin was my own
Lost in a language no one speaks
never learns
Yet everyone knows
The language of silence
Demands no words
it was your eyes that promised galaxies
Your smile that reminded me of honey.
You made me believe I was grasping infinity
Now, it seems
that your smile was too sweet
that your eyes promised too much
You were too kind:
You held me close
telling me I was “beautiful”
that what we had was “magical”
To not be scared
That the last thing you wanted was to hurt me
Telling me you cared
In your arms I closed my eyes
I was blissfully, willfully blind
As you fed me on a diet of lies
You were soda pop:
Too sweet to be healthy
And artificially bright
The fizzing bubbles of our conversation –
your words –
empty of substance
unbearably light
The taste of your memory, now,
in my mouth is bitter
You taste of metallic sadness:
You are unfamiliar.
Don’t confuse broken feelings
or your ruffled feathers
with broken wings
Nor let the pain dragging you down today
keep you from falling in love again
and again
I promise you’ll rediscover the edge of love’s cliff
And, when you do stand there once more,
Not quite ready to jump,
Thinking “What if…?”
Think not of the ground below
But of the sky:
the possibilities it holds
The blue —
infinitely wide
I promise you’ll touch it
That, one day, it will catch you mid-stride
Next time!
Next time, the sky will catch in your wings
and buoy you up high
Next time, it will catch you
Don’t ask me how
Don’t ask me why
A poem for You
I have found happiness
Or maybe it found me
Happiness is looking up
at the trees in autumn
Seeing the teetering of multihued leaves
on the brink of falling
from all they have known
to the waiting, solid ground below
It is smiling at strangers passing by
Sharing the little bit of sunshine
we all have inside
A silent exchange –
no words required
It is dancing alone
and off-beat
in your room, in your underwear:
Just moving your feet
It is dark chocolate,
or milk chocolate
(whichever you like best)
Savouring most of its warmth
then sharing the rest
It is star-gazing
and first kisses
It is an undying belief
in the power of birthday wishes
It is laughing so hard
you begin to cry
It is knowing who loves you,
and not needing to know why
It is here to discover
You are here for it to find
All you have to do is look closely,
but, mostly,
Don’t hide