Valerie Pochko

Valerie PochkoValerie Pochko was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 16 November, 1988. She graduated from a Master in Journalism and Media Studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Having worked as a journalist, copywriter, public relations/social media manager and web editor, Valerie is now concentrating on performing arts. At ECLA of Bard, she studies French and German, learns how to play jazz improvisations and dance, and is engaged in theatre acting and directing.  She plays the saxophone, adores arthouse film festivals and the genre of dystopia. Brightest life experience: 5500 km hitch-hiking journey around Balkans.

Valerie dreams of hitch-hiking around South America, learning at least eight foreign languages and working as an international journalist for a trusted media company.

Valerie was the original administrator of the blog, and is currently one of its top contributors. She is an AY student at ECLA of Bard.

Articles written by Valerie:

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