Through his numerous appearances on political and cultural talk shows in Romania, and through his writing as editorialist for the daily paper Ziua, Theodor Paleologu is a personality quickly recognized by many of his countrymen. His busy schedule includes teaching a full load of classes at ECLA and supervision of three Project Year students. Ionut Lacusta, for instance, who is a student from Romania, is teaming up with Paleologu to do research on non-regular armies and the political philosopher Carl Schmitt.
In the last year, Paleologu has also authored two books:
Sous l’œil du Grand Inquisiteur: Carl Schmitt et l’héritage de la théologie politique (Paris, Cerf, 2004)
De la Karl Marx la stenograme: Cronica anului politic 2004 (Bucharest, Curtea Veche, 2005)