This compilation is inspired by the blog, Lolmythesis, in which contributors are asked to “sum up years of work in a single sentence.” These contributions, which range from the nihilistic to the absurd, are the products of dissertations that take years to complete — it’s heartening to see that these contributors can still laugh after so long. With Commencement approaching this Saturday, May 18th, I asked BCB seniors to make similar one-sentence spins on their theses. Fear not, the real theses are far more academically rigorous than portrayed below.
Elena Gagovska:
“Western Europeans hate Slavs, but they hate other people even more.”
- Describing the Balkans: Orientalism, Balkanism and Anti-Colonialism in Rebecca West’s Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Julia Damphouse:
“Turns out the Central Party School in Berlin was not where the SPD taught its members how to get into Berghain.”
- Oh, die Bourgeoislüge von Bildung! Education in the German Social Democratic Movement before 1914
Cassidy Putnam:
“Now computers can draw better than me.”
- An Exploration of Autonomously Creative Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Technology and Implications for Fine Art and Theory of Mind (ToM) through Engagement With Contemporary Neuroscientific Research, Computer Science Research, Fine Art Analysis, and Literary Theory

Farah Badr:
“Nasser’s Nasserism is not right.”
- Ideology in Twentieth Century Egypt: From Socialism to Nasserism
Momo Ghods:
“A Hum(e)an response to Private Property: Error 404 none found, at least not in Berlin.”
- The In/Justice of Private Property: a Humean Response
Marta Vuković:
“Jealousy doesn’t only break marriages, but shakes democracies too.”
- Why is right-wing populism thriving in different contexts? The cases of Brazil, Germany, and the United States
Ido Nahari:
“Metaphors are a poor excuse for the fact that you can’t understand a complex thing.”
- How spacious is Cyberspace? Utopian Geographies and Gentrification in the Development of the World Wide Web
Brenna O’Brien:
“Naked ladies are looking back at you but it doesn’t mean they like what they see.”
- Looking Through the Gaze: Unfolding Meaning in the Reclining Female Nude
Margarethe Hattingh:
“Business Ethics: A Contradiction in Terms? Let’s Hope Not.”
- Business Ethics: A Contradiction in Terms? Examining the Case for Corporate Social Responsibility
Arianna Adabachi:
“Art History student writes about ‘The Last Supper’”
- A Seat at The Table: Last Supper as Icon