I thiNk of love More than aNythiNg else.
My skin always Bruised very Easily
It is the oNly Physical RepReseNtatioN of How My MiNd experieNces life.
My soul TurNs Black aNd Blue as easily as My skin Does.
From the smallest Bumps, EvEn a Good thinG
If pRessed too lonG, too strongly.
The iNk emBedded iN my skin is the other side of life, the hiGh.
WheN I Got my last tattoo, a womaN with a BouQuet of wild floweRs foR a head oN my left thiGh, the skiN Bruised.
She was Blue, theN Yellow.
It took heR as lonG to Get heR coloR RiGht
As it does me to Get used to life EveRy time.