She is a fourth year Literature and Rhetoric student from Macedonia who will talk about politics to the point where she has been asked on many occasions why she is not in one of the Politics Programs at BCB. She gets riled up at protests and still mentions the 2016 Macedonian Colorful Revolution once in a while. Over the past year and a half, she has mostly devoted her space on the blog to op-ed-esque political pieces. She always says that she wants to write more “cultural” articles like film or book reviews, but at this point she feels like it’s not going to happen. Everything else seems too urgent in the world and she aims to use the platform she has to bring as much attention as she can to important issues. If you see a film review or a school event covered by her, interpret it as self-care. But if you read two of these pieces in a row, remind her of what she said she intended to use this blog for.
Articles written by Elena:
The Coronavirus in Jails and ICE Detention Centers: A Case for Prison Abolition?
Writing as Solidarity
First They Came for the Immigrants
Your Berlin Family
Skopje, I love you, but you’re bringing me down
A Press Conference with Sara Mardini and Seán Binder: The Volunteers Tell Their Stories
Passing Florida’s Amendment 4: A Prison Abolitionist Horizon?
Rescue the Rescuers: from #Unteilbar to the upcoming #FreeHumanitarians Demos
I, too, was a teenage girl who went to parties, but thankfully I did not have a Brett Kavanaugh of my own
Yes, Sara Mardini Is Still in Prison for Saving Refugees, and So Is Seán Binder
On Strategies for Containing the White Supremacist Movement: Why Unite the Right 2 Failed
A Call for International Solidarity: On the Fight for Immigrant and Refugee Justice
“The best thing journalists can do today is listen more” – Alumna Aya Ibrahim on BCB, Deutsche Welle, Journalism and More
When Some of Your Closest Friends Graduate
With A Little Help From the Writing Center
“We did Not Feel We Belonged to the Same Europe as Them”
#MeToo: A Conversation We Must Not Stop Having
“Champ of the Camp”: A Documentary about Migration and Exploitation
I Have a Confession: I’ve Read “Submission”
The Political Landscape Post Charlottesville: Where Should Students and Academics Stand?
Anti-Militarist and Anti-Discrimination Activism: How Can We Foster a More Intersectional Discourse?
The (Political) Role of Artists: What Are We to Think of Radiohead’s Concert in Israel?
Pride Month 2017: Activism, Rainbow Capitalism and Right-Wing Queer Tokenism
Gala für Alle: Exposing the Fake Feminism of the 1%
An Urgent Reflection on a Crisis Back Home
Post Women’s Day Thoughts: On Formation of Structural Sexism in Macedonia and Elsewhere
“Trumponomics” and the Politics of Resistance
The Wait