Laura Scuriatti studied English and German Literature at the University of Milan (Laurea). She received her Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Reading, where she was also teaching assistant. Her research focuses on the relationship between literature and the visual arts in early modernism and the avant-garde, and on gender theory. Her publications include edited volumes like The Exhibit in the Text: Museological Practices of Literature (with Caroline Patey), 2009; Dekalog 5. Dogville (with Sara Fortuna), 2012; book chapters like “Sea changes: the Sea, Art and Storytelling in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Isak Dinesen’s Tempests and Marina Warner’s Indigo” in Civiltà del mare e navigazioni interculturali: sponde d’Europa e l’ “isola” Trieste, eds. C. Ferrini, R. Gefter Wondrich, P. Quazzolo, A. Zoppellari, 2012; and numerous contributions and articles on modernist authors, for example “Bodies of Discomfort: Mina Loy, the Futurists and Modernist Feminism” in Women in Europe between the Wars: Politics, Culture and Society, eds. A. Kershaw / A. Kimyongür, 2007; “Walking the Tightrope: Sacheverell Sitwell’s Rewriting of the Mediterranean in Southern Baroque Art,” in Anglo-American Modernity and the Mediterranean, eds. C. Patey, G. Cianci and F. Cuojati, 2006; “A Tale of Two Cities: H. G. Wells’s The Door in the Wall, illustrated by Alvin Landon Coburn”, in The Wellsian, 1999.
Previous faculty podcasts: Ulrike Wagner, Michael Weinman, Ewa Atanassow, Geoff Lehman