Adaptation of Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet VII. The Death of Enkidu “For his Friend Enkidu Gilgamesh Did bitterly weep as he wandered the wild: ‘I shall die, and shall I not then be as Enkidu? Sorrow has entered my heart!” *** ერეკლეს სიკვდილი გიგლა ეწევა ბოლო ღერს, სანთელი ანათებს პალატას. მისი გული ღრიალს
Author: Nika Kokhodze
Nika Kokhodze is a philosophy student at Bard College. He is from Georgia, Tbilisi. He’s currently studying at Bard College Berlin, thanks to the study abroad program. His work and studying mostly includes academic writing—however, as a hobby he would say that he likes creative writing (short stories, poetry, occasionally translating works from English to Georgian), mostly writing poetry in Georgian.