The Death of Erekle

Adaptation of Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet VII. The Death of Enkidu “For his Friend Enkidu Gilgamesh  Did bitterly weep as he wandered the wild:   ‘I shall die, and shall I not then be as Enkidu?  Sorrow has entered my heart!” *** ერეკლეს სიკვდილი    გიგლა ეწევა ბოლო ღერს,  სანთელი ანათებს პალატას.  მისი გული ღრიალს

Metal Birds

Far behind the house’s rear, among moss and dead leaves was a spring. Connected to the spring by a small staircase of large rocks lie a stream that flowed as a river when it rained and ran dry through summer and winter. Insects–gnats, mosquitos, flies–danced above puddled water in the day, the light giving shape