The versatile artist Joulia Strauss performs ancient Greek hymns at the Bard College Berlin workshop on Pythagorean Harmonics

The program of the conference Pythagorean Harmonics from Philolaus to Leibniz, which took place on October 19-20th  at Bard College Berlin, consisted mainly of scholarly lectures given by experts in their fields, which were as diverse as Greek philosophy, mathematics, music or art history. The participants discussed in an interdisciplinary framework recent discoveries or novel

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ECLA Core Course on Education

For ten weeks at ECLA, drawing upon the debates of Ancient Greece, students and faculty have been weighing different views of the meaning of education. Students considered their position as learners at the same time as experiencing the ‘other side’ of the educational dialogue in seminars, such that the experience was of self-reflective education. Two

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Anthony Price on ‘Tragedy’

Anthony Price from Birkbeck College, University of London visited ECLA to give two guest lectures (4th and 6th December) on the theme of tragedy in Book X of Plato’s Republic and in Aristotle’s Poetics. Price has published extensively on ethics and moral psychology in ancient-Greek literature and he professes an academic interest in the ‘epistemology

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