
They hit the dirt and their rinds split, cracked like clay pots, and from the cracks came a thick dark red. Blood flowed out and pooled around the fruit, it kept pooling, it filled the grove like a flood, I grew afraid of it –

Student profiles: Nicholas Lecchi

Please state your full name. Nicholas Sebastiano Lecchi. Where are you from? Rockville, Maryland in the United States. And where is your family from? My father is from Milan, Italy. And I think my mother is from Seveso in Italy, but I can’t be sure. Do you speak Italian? Very little. Enough to swear in

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The versatile artist Joulia Strauss performs ancient Greek hymns at the Bard College Berlin workshop on Pythagorean Harmonics

The program of the conference Pythagorean Harmonics from Philolaus to Leibniz, which took place on October 19-20th  at Bard College Berlin, consisted mainly of scholarly lectures given by experts in their fields, which were as diverse as Greek philosophy, mathematics, music or art history. The participants discussed in an interdisciplinary framework recent discoveries or novel

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