“If desire [in a society] is repressed, it is because every position of desire…is capable of calling into question the established order of society…it is revolutionary in its essence…It is therefore of vital importance for a society to repress desire, and even to find something more efficient than repression, so that repression, hierarchy, exploitation, and
Rainbow Flags & Persecution in the Heart of Cairo
A brief glimpse on the etymology of the word homosexual in the Arabic language is reflective not only of the widely held belief and internalized homophobia in contemporary Egypt, but also of the nature of the laws persecuting queer bodies and viewing them as a threat to Egyptian society’s morality[1]. Multiple variations exist: Luti is
Observations of a Woman in Cairo
Having been born and raised in Cairo by upper middle class Egyptian Muslim parents, gender issues and women’s rights weren’t topics typically dealt with in my family despite how “open-minded” my parents claim to be. A patriarchal culture filters through life’s many branches in Egypt, silencing the voices demanding the downfall of the patriarchy and
In the Light of Amarna: 100 Years of the Nefertiti Discovery
As the warm days of June approach the city of Berlin, the Die Bärliner summer team will be taking more and more trips to exhibitions, festivals, and other events happening this summer in the realms of our beautiful and exciting city. The first in the series of my summer articles about the city of Berlin
Thomas Hasel: Economics of Democratization: Post-revolutionary Egypt between Legacy, Present and Promise
On May 15th, ECLA of Bard had the pleasure and privilege to host a talk on post-revolutionary Egypt with Thomas Hasel, co-producer of the Deutsche Welle documentary After the Storm: A New Beginning for Egypt’s Economy, which deals with Egypt’s economy after Mubarak’s fall. The event was organized by ECLA of Bard’s Politics and Ethics concentration