Commencement approaches, and seniors are preparing to graduate. Meanwhile, senior thesis presentations have been ongoing. And, I heard—I overhead—through college grapevine that some seniors, in fact quite a number of them, talk about blockchain technology, crypto or some aspect of Web 3.0, in sections of their theses. It’s fun, it’s thrilling, it’s exciting, the new
An Interview with BCB’s Managing Director, Florian Becker
As I open the door to his office, Florian greets me with a frisson of excitement. His office, brightly lit, clean, cool, copacetic, is large but not too grand. There are three pieces of art on the wall and then a kaleidoscope of books — Bacon, Burke, Bertolt Brecht, Nabokov, Nietsche, Müller, Max, Kant etc.
The Socrates Project: A Transformative Experience
“I felt welcomed, I felt that my ideas were valued. Writing was a continuation of classroom conversations. I learnt a lot about writing academic essays, and I enjoyed the critical texts we discussed with the other participants. In the past, I felt excluded from philosophy but the Socrates project fulfilled my dream of studying philosophy,