BCB Blockchain Boom

Commencement approaches, and seniors are preparing to graduate. Meanwhile, senior thesis presentations have been ongoing. And, I heard—I overhead—through college grapevine that some seniors, in fact quite a number of them, talk about blockchain technology, crypto or some aspect of Web 3.0, in sections of their theses.  It’s fun, it’s thrilling, it’s exciting, the new

Lolmythesis: BCB Edition 2022

On Friday April 8th, BCB’s Class of 2022 held their BA thesis turn-in reception—congratulations to us! This project is a milestone in our BCB careers, one which we’ve worked on tirelessly for many months. This year, students explored everything from blockchain technology, to musical expression, to environmentalism.  In celebration of the completion of the thesis

Not Believing in Science

The Science and Religion Project at Bard College Berlin provides interested students with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the history of science, the history of religions, and the issues that arise when the two are considered together. Over the course of the academic year, student fellows participate in a series of seminars led by world-renowned