ECLA Choir Sings at St. Maria Magdalena

The mixed student-faculty ECLA Choir, led by their director Yvonne Frazier, performed at St. Maria Magdalena Church as part of a special Pentecost service.  Pentecost, called Pfingstmontag in Germany, is a national holiday and it commemorates the reception of the Holy Spirit by the twelve Apostles in Christian theology. A group of ECLA students and

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Catherine Toal on Translating Terror

In 1966, Romania’s dictator Nicolae Ceausescu issued the 770 Decree, and with it an entire generation came into being; a generation subsumed under the derisory name of “The Decree Generation”. The general prohibition of abortion, along with the lack of availability of contraception, represented an extension of state power into the intimate realm of the

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Truthful Mediators, Thieves, or Tricksters?

ECLA’s fifth Annual Conference kicked off with a lecture titled “Truthful Mediators, Thieves, or Tricksters? – Translator Figures in Fiction” from guest lecturer Dr. Sabine Strümper-Krobb. The lecture concerned her work on the role of translators in fiction. Dr. Strümper-Krobb raised several provocative questions. What are the ethics of translation? To what degree is the

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