On 9 January, ECLA welcomed Professor Denise Budd (Rutgers University) for her lecture ‘Painting and the Period Eye’ on Florentine painting in the Renaissance. Focusing on the transition from the Gothic to the Renaissance period, Professor Budd analyzed the sources and evolution of painters such as Giotto and Masaccio, presenting their work in comparison to
ECLA Core Course on Education
For ten weeks at ECLA, drawing upon the debates of Ancient Greece, students and faculty have been weighing different views of the meaning of education. Students considered their position as learners at the same time as experiencing the ‘other side’ of the educational dialogue in seminars, such that the experience was of self-reflective education. Two
Kristin Voigt – ‘Individual Choice and Unequal Participation in Higher Education’
On 21 November 2007, Kristin Voigt, assistant professor, European College of Liberal Arts, held a seminar based on her article, ‘Individual Choice and Unequal Participation in Higher Education’. The presentation of the article was followed by a discussion that gathered students and professors of ECLA. ‘Individual Choice and Unequal Participation in Higher Education’ considers the
Social Entrepreneurship: Survival and Solidarity in a Globalized World
In May 2007, ECLA held its annual conference on the theme of ‘social entrepreneurship’. Social Entrepreneurship is a term used to describe financially self-sustaining initiatives that attempt to fill an unmet social need. The event was a great success, producing a number of viable student projects, winning a UNESCO award for education in sustainable development,
Dr. Klaus Corcilius on ‘instrumentalization of virtue’ in Plato’s Republic
On 12 November 2007 Dr. Klaus Corcilius of Humboldt University presented a guest lecture on Plato’s Republic and the ‘instrumentalization of virtue’ at the European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA). Instrumentalization is, simply put, to use a thing with an intrinsic end for a purpose extrinsic to itself (the example, for clarity, of using a
Class of 2008
October 2007 – European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, and the start of a new term, a new year and a new experience, as students gather from all over the world to start a one-year programme of intensive study. Although ECLA is a young and growing institution, it is clear that other students have gone
Commencement ISU 2007: So Long, I’ll be Movin’ On
The last week of the Summer University at ECLA was dedicated to roundtable discussions which provided an effective concluding section of the programme by presenting case studies and in depth theoretical analyses on the following topics: “Terrorism and State”, “Terrorism and Religion”, and “Terrorism and Ethnicity”. Led by David Durst, Theodor Paleologu, and Bartholomew Ryan, respectively, the
International Dinner and Poetry Night: Soul Food
4:45 PM “Yes! There is no one in the kitchen. Let’s get started!” 5:00 PM “Um, guys, where can I put this plate? Is there any room left?” 5:15 PM “We need more dough” 5:45 PM “We have more dough!” 6:00 PM “Could you pass me the fork? Where’s the big knife? Cut the garlic