Visting Wannsee

A beautiful Sunday provided the perfect backdrop for a trip to idyllic Wannsee, a place in southwest Berlin well known for its lovely inland beach – one of the longest in Europe. Wannsee is also famous for hosting the conference of the same name on the 20th of January, 1942. Most of us have learned

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Hunting for Fun

“What’s on for tonight?” “The “Scavenger Hunt!” “Is “scavenger” a German word?” “Ah, got it guys! Wiki says that “scavengers are animals that consume already dead animals” ”OK, so we’ll be predators…” “What are we looking for?” “No clue” ECLA students were given ten creative tasks and cameras. Needless to say, hilarity and a great

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ISU 2007: Demons at ECLA

On July 16th ECLA inaugurated the International Summer University 2007 with the opening lecture on Dostoyevsky’s Demons given by one of ECLA’s ISU faculty, Melinda Harvey. This year’s summer programme brings together 41 students from 21 countries and international scholars specializing in Russian literature (Frank Goodwin, University of Florida), continental philosophy (David Durst, AUBG and

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Study Trip to Athens

Just a few days before the end of the academic year, ancient and incredibly hot Greece welcomed a small group of ECLA students. The trip was organized as a continuation of the elective course offered in winter term on Luxury in the Greek and Roman World: Self-identity and Self-indulgence. Although students had already been acquainted

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ECLA Yearbook 2007

“We can do it!” – became a secret motto for the yearbook team. The meetings of the team began in the previous term, but the real work on the publication started just a few weeks ago, when the layout, design and content of the album were planned. The ECLA Yearbook 2007 promises to be different

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Berlin, The City of ECLA

With the end of the year at ECLA there comes a time to ponder the meaning of our academic experience here. However, there is yet another side to the ECLA experience – Berlin and its culture. Some students speak of The Island of ECLA, ECLA-Land or The City of ECLA (referring to Plato’s Republic). There

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ECLA-Oxford Climate Change Conference

The ECLA-Oxford Conference on Climate Change, Energy and Security opened up a venue for the first interinstitutional forum of enquiry from May 31 to June 2 on the ECLA campus. The topics of the conference corresponded with the themes covered by the elective course “Global Issues” offered by Dick Shriver in the Spring term. The

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