ECLA Debate Team Goes to Riga

Four teams of the debate club were sent to a tournament in Riga last weekend. The tournament brought together people from 17 countries and 3 continents. ECLA students are already accustomed to intercultural exchanges and intellectual discussions, but the clash of different Weltbilder was taken to a new level at the tournament. ECLA teams had

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Anthony Price on ‘Tragedy’

Anthony Price from Birkbeck College, University of London visited ECLA to give two guest lectures (4th and 6th December) on the theme of tragedy in Book X of Plato’s Republic and in Aristotle’s Poetics. Price has published extensively on ethics and moral psychology in ancient-Greek literature and he professes an academic interest in the ‘epistemology

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Students, Faculty and Admin Come Together for ECLA Week

The days leading up to ECLA week were full of preparations: late night essay writing, the purchasing of book making and gardening supplies, sign-up lists for special workshops and concerts, debate and choir rehearsals, campaigning for student-delegate candidates and Annual Conference themes and football practice. The faculty/student football/soccer showdown received special attention and inspiration from

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