Studying abroad for one year at two separate institutions on two continents has been and will be exhausting but beautiful. The decision you made to spend two semesters in two separate locations was not taken lightly. After two years at BCB, you probably did know everyone and had taken classes across several concentrations; it was
[Kulturbahn #34] March 13th – March 19th
► Monday: Populism, Politics & Propaganda This debate and panel talk questions the role of media and press in today’s rise of right-wing populism. On the one hand, the trend of “fake news” or alternative facts undermines the reliability of the media, especially in Trump’s America. On the other hand, journalists who want to uncover
Demonizing Populism or Demeaning Democracy?
Should populists be demonized? Today especially, after Donald Trump’s latest victory in securing a seat as President of the United States of America, this topic is incredibly relevant. But one might ask: How did he win? Trump’s campaign was largely centered around garnering anti-systemic attention from voters that cited exasperation at their treatment by the
Debating in Berlin
Recently, there have been efforts to form a debate club at Bard College Berlin. A group of students have come together for this purpose and have collectively joined their talents and previous debating experience to produce a new trend among our community. The enthusiasm surrounding the initiation of the college’s own debate club motivated me
ECLA Debate Team Goes to Riga
Four teams of the debate club were sent to a tournament in Riga last weekend. The tournament brought together people from 17 countries and 3 continents. ECLA students are already accustomed to intercultural exchanges and intellectual discussions, but the clash of different Weltbilder was taken to a new level at the tournament. ECLA teams had
ECLA Debating: For & Against
For the last three weeks the Debate Club has been meeting every Wednesday at 4pm in the Lecture Hall. Developing rhetoric skills in students is a good reason for introducing such an activity here at ECLA. However, this is not why Martin decided to be ECLA’s debate trainer: ‘What determined you to set up the