“Are we still in Berlin?” My wide-eyed, black-clad friend, Neuköllner to the bone, certainly feels out of place on Am Iderfenngraben. On her face, I read: What is this land that the M1 tram drops people off at, where cashiers speak German and only German, Altbauten lack a fifth floor, and stickers on lamp posts
April Horoscopes!
Taurus (April 20—May 20): Another year older, and yet still so much left to learn. Maybe you’d pick up a little more knowledge if you paused, took a deep breath and—wow, look at that! Someone besides you is talking. Let it happen a few times, just for fun. April Fool’s Prank: A day of silence.
A Reflection on “Get Engaged: Student Action & Youth Leadership Conference”
I was enjoying a cup of espresso macchiato with conference-provided sandwiches next to the Danube river while you, my fellow schoolmates, were being crushed under the heavy burden of midterms. Before you start feeling jealous of my one-week privilege, let me clarify two things: The conference was busy enough that we were not able to
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree
My mother never eats toast on a plate, she holds the bread in her long hands and eats over the kitchen sink. I think these are the moments she prefers, looking out to the garden, morning sun dim and blue and made of all the forgiving in the world easier here in morning’s two-part
My Spring Vacation
On Monday the 26th of March at 13:15, we check in at Terminal A in Schönefeld Airport to go on our first vacation together. Elena and I show our boarding passes and passports to an airport employee and are then directed to security. Elena goes through the metal detector without setting it off. Before I
A Reflection on the Bard Network Debate Conference and Smolny Open Tournament (2018)
In the madness of midterm essay-writing at the end of March, we — Elena Müller (BA 2021), Hanna Bargheer (BA 2020) and Rebecca Singer (BA 2021) — attended the Bard Network Debate Conference and participated in the Smolny Open Debate Tournament in St. Petersburg, Russia. Sponsored by Bard Annandale’s Debate Union, each of the participating
A Round Table Event: EHU and BCB Discuss the Cultural Impact of 20th-Century Art
On Wednesday, March 14th, the European Humanities University (EHU) visited Bard College Berlin to partake in a round table with the finalists of an essay contest that EHU hosted, discussing “methods of (self-)education in the arts.” Around the table, the students of EHU revealed the topics of their award-winning essays, such as expressionism and the