I am from here

Somewhere on the border,  where the cold and the dry kills everything that needs to be killed,  somewhere around here is where I’m from.  Where the weeds are lush and the grass is gone.  Where the cow’s milk tastes dirty and the breast milk tastes sad.  Where bodies are cremated, not buried, and you can

Some Thoughts on Love

Some thoughts on love  Some thoughts on affection  I work my way up into no expectations  And coax away the need for labels  When I stare at your hand resting across the dinner table,  And notice the fine scars across some shape of a palm  That could belong to anyone  But because it’s not anyone,

Imagined Sea Creature

I am fixated  On a certain kind  Of imagined sea creature  That doesn’t exist yet, But has also  Been clawing through the muck  On the pond scum floor  Of my stomach, Always. It loosens clots of dirt in my belly,  And is made of white-hot metals  That repel the water around it,  Orbs of burning

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From the Archives: Reflections in Times of Conflict

War and conflict are unfortunately omnipresent, displacing millions of individuals and communities worldwide. Die Bärliner invites readers to revisit some past pieces from students reflecting on the hardships encountered by refugees, international responses to forced migration and racial dynamics. The authors raise questions about pacifism and violence through personal narratives and opinions, and also provide