BCB Blockchain Boom

Commencement approaches, and seniors are preparing to graduate. Meanwhile, senior thesis presentations have been ongoing. And, I heard—I overhead—through college grapevine that some seniors, in fact quite a number of them, talk about blockchain technology, crypto or some aspect of Web 3.0, in sections of their theses.  It’s fun, it’s thrilling, it’s exciting, the new

Random At Moments

1 The day I lost my iPhone, credit cards, a photo, a student ID, a residence permit and the purse that contained them all, I was with a friend who was visiting Berlin for fall break from Vienna. We used to sit on the bench every night, drinking enough “përlinër bilsnër” to fill up Spok’s

What’s Next? – A Senior Interview Series (#3: Mandula van den Berg)

Two of the three possible concentrations of the Humanities, the Arts, and Social Thought (HAST) program at Bard College Berlin are Literature & Rhetoric and Ethics & Politics. 2020 graduating senior Mandula van den Berg is double concentrating in both and told me all about her experience at BCB and what she gained from being part of these two different concentrations of the HAST degree.