
As the days grow increasingly shorter, colder, and bleaker in Berlin, it can be tempting to shut oneself inside and despair at the absence of light and life. But despair not! Christmas markets, song, and snowfall accompany the Wintertime; with the cold and darkness comes the opportunity to better appreciate the warmth of fragrant glühwein

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Commencement at ECLA

“Commencement”: though the word is rhetorically indicative of a beginning, it has trouble escaping its connotation––at least for students––as the official conclusion, the shake of the hand, and the goodbye to the thousands of pages and hours, myriad lunch debates, late-nights, page-tabbing, research forays, and all that comes along with the pursuit of a liberal

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“In sweet music is such art…”

During the preparation for the final choir performance at this year’s graduation ceremony, the harmoniously-intertwined voices of the ECLA of Bard choir were repeatedly—each time with the addition of a new musical ‘flavour’ and spirit—singing this beautiful verse from the part-song Orpheus, with his lute. Based on the poem of William Shakespeare, the musical piece,

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ECLA Choir Sings at St. Maria Magdalena

The mixed student-faculty ECLA Choir, led by their director Yvonne Frazier, performed at St. Maria Magdalena Church as part of a special Pentecost service.  Pentecost, called Pfingstmontag in Germany, is a national holiday and it commemorates the reception of the Holy Spirit by the twelve Apostles in Christian theology. A group of ECLA students and

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It’s All About The Music

ECLA’s musical activities include individual voice lessons, choir, dance project and also learning to play instruments. This new student project invites all those interested in learning to play an instrument to meet every week in ECLA’s Music Room for lessons with a few students skilled in guitar and piano. Who hasn’t dreamt of being a

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