Paul Donovan takes center stage at the Warwick Economic Summit 2025. As the chief economist for UBS Global Wealth Management, the audience, mostly Economics students, expected to hear a panel focusing on financial markets and the implications for it in our current day. To perhaps the surprise of many of us in that lecture hall,
Goodbye (Mentally I am in the Former BCB Library Bathtub)
I’m writing my farewell post to readers of Die Bärliner not from Berlin, but from a country road in upstate New York. Already situated in a new environment, I’ve spent the last few weeks wondering how to wish the blog farewell. I’d almost psyched myself out of the whole thing until I curiously drove past
Pankumenta 2020: A Retrospective
Entering into its fourth year of existence, the student-run arts festival Pankumenta is a longstanding tradition for Bard College Berlin students, alumni, and faculty alike. The annual festival has become a staple in the Spring semester for the university community and for young artists around Berlin, and it has grown in popularity with each passing
A Language of Common Belonging
Berlin is foreign. Berlin is new. Berlin speaks to me in voices that I do not yet understand. It is loud, and alienating, and frustratingly unfamiliar. German signs and words are thrown at me left and right, clouding my surroundings and ensuring that I am merely an observer incapable of deciphering the simplest of phrases.
A Campaign for Uyghur Scholars at Risk
This semester, the Critical Human Rights and Humanitarian Advocacy class in partnership with Scholars at Risk and taught by Prof. Dr. Kerry Bystrom, worked on designing an advocacy campaign to support detained and disappeared Uyghur scholars in the Xinjiang Autonomous region in China. The campaign consisted of the production of this short film and a
About a Day in the Cafeteria (and what keeps us alive)
I joined the cafeteria staff on a Wednesday this past semester for part of the day to see how they prepare meals for hundreds of students and staff members every day.
Pride Aesthetics: A Foray into Christopher Street Day
Attending the annual Berlin Christopher Street Day Parade this past weekend marked my second experience with the increasingly global phenomenon of LGBT Pride. My first experience took place in my home city, Boston, USA, in the summer after I graduated high school. I remember the anticipation leading up to this first exposure to LGBT cultural
#2: Where to find 23 cans of tuna on the BCB campus (a podcast by Claire August)
With the allure of all-inclusive cruises and Harmony Korine’s 2013 film “Spring Breakers,” spring break has certainly entered into its own mythological status. So what did BCB students do during their week off in April? We talked to Hanna Bargheer, Lily Cummings, Shua Bauer, and Stella Burke to find out. Featured songs, in order of