The versatile artist Joulia Strauss performs ancient Greek hymns at the Bard College Berlin workshop on Pythagorean Harmonics

The program of the conference Pythagorean Harmonics from Philolaus to Leibniz, which took place on October 19-20th  at Bard College Berlin, consisted mainly of scholarly lectures given by experts in their fields, which were as diverse as Greek philosophy, mathematics, music or art history. The participants discussed in an interdisciplinary framework recent discoveries or novel

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Weekly museum visits

Each semester, ECLA of Bard offers the course Berlin: Experiment in Modernity. Just like the ECLA BA students have a mandatory core course each semester, this Berlin–themed class is the core component for the exchange students enrolled in the Bard in Berlin program. However, all ECLA students have the possibility to take it. Furthermore, students

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German club went beer tasting

After a successful year of coordinating the German club at ECLA of Bard, David Kretz, a 2nd year student from Austria, has prepared a very exciting schedule for this year’s sessions. As participants in the second session, we were very quickly immersed into the German culture when we met in order to taste and discuss

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