Stories from Pankow (podcast)

  Blog reporter Lucas Møller set out to explore the neighbourhood around the campus. Pankow has many hidden gems, among them a record store owner who shares his love for vinyl, a teacher who keeps a pet donkey, and a children’s bookshop which offers regular reading sessions. Translation in the donkey segment provided by Philip

Author Profile: Arnold Zable

Note: This author profile was written at the request of the online magazine “artaktivist,” for their issue on refugees and migration. It will be published online in both Russian and English. If modernity is to be characterised by the theme of exile and the achievements of émigrés, as Edward Said claimed in Reflections on Exile,

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The Faculty Podcast: Laura Scuriatti

Laura Scuriatti studied English and German Literature at the University of Milan (Laurea). She received her Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Reading, where she was also teaching assistant. Her research focuses on the relationship between literature and the visual arts in early modernism and the avant-garde, and on gender theory. Her publications

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