I completed the Academy Year programme at the European College of Liberal Arts (ECLA) in the summer of 2011. This fall, I returned to ECLA for the BA program. During the whole recent year, I worked with a theatre group and also taught theatre skills back home in Pakistan. Working in the theatre industry required
Willkommen in Berlin!
Each year ECLA of Bard introduces its students to the city’s dynamic past and present, in an exciting and diverse 3-day programme led by faculty, staff, and alumni. This year’s large selection of walking tours presented new and returning students alike with the cumbersome task of making their choices. The programme featured a poetry night,
Studio Theatre Final Presentations
Academic year at ECLA is coming to an end. As final paper deadlines were fast approaching, so was the closing event of David Levine’s Studio Theatre class. Students, faculty and external guests gathered to see five different plays that the participants of the course had worked on during the past few weeks. The concept behind
Ex Oriente Lux – Documentary Project from Poland
At the end of the spring term ECLA of Bard welcomed members of the Club of Philosophy from the University of Bialystok, Poland and their – in the words of Katarzyna Chocha (chairman of the club) – “institutional and inspirational” tutor, Bartosz Kuzniarz, and their “non-institutional, but inspirational” tutor Piotr Nowak, both Doctors of Philosophy.
Survival Kits for Apocalypses: Georgi Gospodinov at ECLA
On the 6th of June, the ECLA community welcomed Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov. The evening entitled Survival Kits for Apocalypses included readings from Gospodinov’s play The Apocalypse Comes at 6 pm (in which two ECLA students were also involved in the reading), from his poetry, and from the latest novel The Physics of Sorrow. Georgi Gospodinov also presented some of his
David Levine: Authenticity, Appropriation and Genius
In the Spring term of 2012, artist and faculty at ECLA David Levine has been teaching the Art & Aesthetics concentration seminar titled: Authenticity, Appropriation and Genius. I have asked David Levine about the experience of teaching this new theoretical course, and about the boundary between art and teaching. Aurelia Cojocaru: Usually at ECLA you
“War is unfit for a society that cultivates individualism”
On Monday, the 4th of June 2012, both ECLA of Bard’s Politics Club and students from the Democracy seminar had the pleasure of hosting Professor Ran Halévi (EHESS, Paris) for a talk on Israeli Democracy and the Politics of War. Twelve students and three members of staff gathered with him for a discussion that centred around his
“Leaders come and go, but you are here to stay”
On June 7th, Chancellor Merkel of Germany, PM Cameron of the UK and PM Stoltenbergof Norway took a break from their busy schedules to discuss the future of global and German democracy with local and international students studying in Berlin. This meeting was part of a bigger initiative aimed at creating a series of dialogues