Bard-ing in Berlin

All through school my dad would reassure me that I was a “college person,” meaning that while maybe high school wasn’t the best, I would find whatever I was looking for in college. When I walked onto the ECLA of Bard campus, nearly empty—since I was a day early—I finally understood that he was right.

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Return of the Repressed

“My memories are like a shuffled deck of cards,  each one coming up at random.” – Brian James   This is my first September in Pankow: when I started studying at ECLA three years ago, the classes began in October. This September is awfully similar to an October––perhaps to the October two years ago––the one before

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Commencement at ECLA

“Commencement”: though the word is rhetorically indicative of a beginning, it has trouble escaping its connotation––at least for students––as the official conclusion, the shake of the hand, and the goodbye to the thousands of pages and hours, myriad lunch debates, late-nights, page-tabbing, research forays, and all that comes along with the pursuit of a liberal

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ECLA Choir Sings at St. Maria Magdalena

The mixed student-faculty ECLA Choir, led by their director Yvonne Frazier, performed at St. Maria Magdalena Church as part of a special Pentecost service.  Pentecost, called Pfingstmontag in Germany, is a national holiday and it commemorates the reception of the Holy Spirit by the twelve Apostles in Christian theology. A group of ECLA students and

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